Efficacy, safety and satisfaction with the use of Hyaluromax Skin Builder L®

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Efficacy, safety and satisfaction with the use of Hyaluromax Skin Builder L®


Study confirming the efficacy, safety and satisfaction with the use of hybrid complexes of 1800 kDa hyaluronic acid with 2500 kDa HA


Study confirming the efficacy, safety and satisfaction with the use of hybrid complexes of 1800 kDa hyaluronic acid with 2500 kDa HA


Dr. Ana Karina Sanz, Surgeon, MS Medical Center for Advanced Aesthetics, Metropolitan Region, Buin, Chile; and Dr. Marcelo Robles, Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon, Medical Director, Robles Clinic, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina


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Lic. María Fernanda Cristoforetti, Editor of Lugones Editorial


11 of december, 2024






Dr. Ana Karina Sanz, Surgeon, MS Medical Center for Advanced Aesthetics, Metropolitan Region, Buin, Chile; and Dr. Marcelo Robles, Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon, Medical Director, Robles Clinic, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, “Efficacy, safety and satisfaction with the use of Hyaluromax Skin Builder L®,” Sello Editorial Lugones, consulta 22 de febrero de 2025, https://ciencia.lugoneseditorial.com.ar/items/show/22.